Current Projects - Cipitria Lab
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Current Projects


European Research Council – Consolidator Grant (DORMATRIX)

Project: “Engineering cancer dormancy as a collective emergent phenomenon: from matrix-enabled dormancy to collective dormancy-on-a-chip”

Principal investigator

Proyectos coordinados AECC 2024 – Spanish Association for Cancer Research

Project: “MetEND – Decoding Metastasis-ENDothelial co-dependencies in bone”

Co-PI together with R. Gomis (coordinator, Institute for Research in Biomedicine), M. Graupera (Institut Josep Carreras) and S. Servitja (IMIM-Hospital del Mar).


Basque Government Call ELKARTEK

Project: „Desarrollo de materiales biocatalíticos para su aplicación en bioeconomía y biomedicina“

PI in consortium led by CIC biomaGUNE

AECC Postdoctoral 2023 – Spanish Association for Cancer Research

Project: “Breast cancer dormancy and bone metastasis: bioinspired 3D models for the study of cell-extracellular matrix interaction as a strategy to find new therapies”

Granted to Dr. Oihane Mitxelena. Supervisor Dr. Amaia Cipitria.


Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (PID2021-123013OB-I00)

Project: “Bioinspired biomaterials to model cell-extracellular matrix interaction in breast cancer dormancy and bone metastasis”

Principal investigator

LAB AECC 2022 – Spanish Association for Cancer Research

Project: “Targeting dormant disseminated cancer cells to prevent metastatic relapse: biomaterial-based 3D bioengineered models for novel therapies”

Principal Investigator

CIC biomaGUNE Research Support Program & Investigo Program Next Generation EU

Project: “3D-printed breast cancer metastasis models: Organotypic platforms to monitor disease progression and treatment (3D-BCMets)”

Co-PI together with Dr. Dorleta Jiménez de Aberasturi (CIC biomaGUNE)

Diputación Foral de Gipuzkoa – Gipuzkoa Fellow Program

Project: „Development of patient avatars for the study of metastatic invasion in breast cancer and research of personalized advanced therapies“

Granted to Dr. Naike Salvador Moreno. Supervisor and co-fund by Dr. Amaia Cipitria.

Basque Government Call RIS3

Project: „Advanced hydrogels for the delivery of CAR-T therapies in solid tumors“

Coordinator of consortium and principal investigator

Max Planck Queensland Center (MPQC)

Max Planck Queensland Center (MPQC) for “Exploring the Materials Science of Extracellular Matrices”

Associate researcher, research sub-topic „Human ECM“


Ikerbasque Basque Foundation for Science

Ikerbasque Research Associate leading the group “Bioengineering in Regeneration and Cancer“ at Biodonostia Health Research Institute, San Sebastián, Spain

DFG (German Research Foundation) Collaborative Research Center CRC 1444

Project: „Directed cellular self-organization for advancing bone regeneration

Subproject: “Hydrogels with spatial patterning of biophysical and biochemical properties to guide osteogenesis”
Co-PI together with colleagues at Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Free University Berlin, Deutsche Rheuma-Forschungszentrum Berlin, Zuse Institute Berlin, Max-Delbrück-Centrum für Molekulare Medizin, German Institute of Human Nutrition Potsdam-Rehbruecke and Wyss Institute for Biological Inspired Engineering.


Horizon 2020 – Regenerative medicine: from new insights to new applications

Project: „HEALIKICK – A modular strategy for the repair of critical sized bone fractures

Co-PI together with University of Glasgow (UK), Histocell S.L. (Spain), Universidad de Navarra (Spain) and University of Strathclyde (UK).

Doctoral grant International Max Planck Research School on Multiscale Bio-Systems

Project: “Game Theory of Cancer Dormancy and Bone Metastasis”
Granted to Anna‐Dorothea Heller, Co-PI together with Dr. Angelo Valleriani.

Project: “Message in a vesicle: Intercellular communication through extracellular vesicles”
Granted to Nicky Tam, Co-PI together with Dr. Rumiana Dimova.


Humboldt Research Fellowship for postdoctoral researchers

Project: “Harnessing changes in bone ultrastructure in multiple myeloma: an ex vivo clinical study”
Granted to Dr. Inés Moreno-Jiménez, Co-PI together with Prof. Dr. med. Franziska Jundt.


Doctoral grant International Max Planck Research School on Multiscale Bio-Systems

Project: “Biophysical cues in cancer cell dormancy”
Granted to Hubert Taïeb, Co-PI together with Dr. Tom Robinson and Dr. Luca Bertinetti.


DFG (German Research Foundation) Emmy-Noether grant (CI 203/2-1)

Project: “Extracellular matrix biophysical cues in dormancy and bone metastasis”

Principal investigator

Einstein Center Regenerative Therapies (ECRT), Research grant and Kickbox seed grant

Project:“Role of mechanics and tissue architecture in pancreatic cancer and postoperative complications“.
Co-PI together with Dr. Lippens and Dr. med. Schmuck.

We gratefully acknowledge the contribution of the following organizations for previous support.