Software & Videos - Cipitria Lab
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Detection and tracking of early bone metastatic lesions in cortical bone

Platform: MATLAB

Now available on GitHub


Young, S. A. E., Heller, A.-D., Garske, D. S., Rummler, M., Qian, V., Ellinghaus, A., Duda, G. N., Willie, B. M., Grüneboom, A., Cipitria, A.: From breast cancer cell homing to the onset of early bone metastasis: The role of bone (re)modeling in early lesion formation. Science Advances 10, eadj0975 (2024).

FUCCItrack: an all-in-one software for single cell tracking and cell cycle analysis

Platform: MATLAB or as a standalone application

Now available on GitHub


Taïeb, H. M., Bertinetti, L., Robinson, T., Cipitria, A.: FUCCItrack: an all-in-one software for single cell tracking and cell cycle analysis. PLOS One 17(7):e0268297 (2022).

In vivo microCT-based time-lapse morphometry

Platform: MATLAB

Now available on GitHub


Young, S. A. E., Rummler, M., Taïeb, H. M., Garske, D. S., Ellinghaus, A., Duda, G. N., Willie, B. M., Cipitria. A.: In vivo microCT-based time-lapse morphometry reveals anatomical site-specific differences in bone (re)modeling serving as baseline parameters to detect early pathological events. Bone 161, 116432 (2022).


Breast cancer cell cycle dynamics under isotonic and hyperosmotic stress (Taieb et al., 2021)

Reversible growth arrest and reactivation of a single cancer cell (Taieb et al., 2021)

Cell attachment and migration on patterned hydrogels (Lueckgen et al., 2020)

Multiple myeloma injected bone with altered lacunar canalicular network (Ziouti et al., 2020)

Scaffold-guided soft and mineralized tissue patterning (Paris et al., 2017)

Bone regeneration within scaffold + BMP after 12 months (Reichert, Cipitria et al., 2012)

Bone regeneration within empty scaffold after 12 months (Reichert, Cipitria et al., 2012)